Snow Angels of the South – pt IV

Snow Petrel

Snow Petrels are part of the tubenose-family, the family of the albatrosses, shearwaters and (storm-)petrels. This means they are well adapted to a life at sea and feel at home in big storms. So when we had around 30 Snow Petrels following the ship in 35-40 knots of wind, I decided to pick up my camera and try to capture these beautiful birds in these unforgiving conditions. It was a series with a very low success-rate as it was already  difficult to keep standing in these conditions, let alone trying to aim a camera at a small bird and take pictures without motion blur… And the wind made it very cold, so I couldn’t stand outside too long.

Later that day, back inside with a nice cup of hot chocolate, it turned out that in between the many out of focus or empty pictures, a few good ones were made.

Arjen Drost

Arjen is a Polar ecologist, nature photographer and full time expedition guide on expedition cruise ships in both Polar regions. With his pictures and stories he likes to show the beauty of these very fragile and threatened places.

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